El Moudjahidate, Invisible to Visible
Nadja Makhlouf, photographer.
Zoulikha Bekkadour

Born 1 March 1934, Tiaret.
Zoulika is the first woman to be elected to the central committee of the General Union of Algerian Muslim Students (UGEMA). Following the ‘disappearance’ of several students during the ever worsening violence in Algiers, the Union launches a strike on 19 May 1956. At this point she decides to join the Algerian fighters and goes underground.
In 1957 she is arrested and incarcerated at the El Harrach prison. At the end of 1960 she escapes to Switzerland near to Lausanne. There the UGEMA is reconstituted and from 1961 onwards she travels to Yugoslavia, Iraq and Austria to attend international conferences on women in the world.
After independence she completes a thesis with Pierre Bourdieu in Paris. In 1964 she returns to Algeria and works in the university sector.
She still lives in Algiers.